We are obsessing over Trang Doan food photography skills, she is every ones favorite in our team. She captures the every best of any type/kind of food. We couldn't help but get so hungry.
We asked Trang a few questions about some beginners tips, keep reading to hear what she has to say.
1. What inspires you the most about photography?
Well, I'd say the thing that inspires me most about photography is that it helps broaden my perspectives and challenge my creativity. I believe photography somehow manipulates me into looking at things a bit sharper and harder where it can actually draw and lure my senses of awareness and aesthetics out of their shells. Nothing about photography is easy. There is always something challenging about it. And I think the challenge might be the very thing that inspires me most above all.
2. Why do you love photography?
Hmm, for this question, I don't really have a specific answer to it. All I can tell you is that my passion for photography happened really unexpectedly. I stumbled on Pexels website on Christmas Eve last year and I thought it was a really cool website. Back then I didn't think my photos were any sort of good to upload but I did it anyway. And a few months later, I realised I was really into food photography so I started taking pictures of my food and post them on Pexels and Instagram. I've received many compliments and encouragements afterwards which is a great incentive for me to keep up with my works. And the best thing about photography is that I start to see beauty in ordinary things, which has never happened before, which again helps me love my used-to-be-boring life a bit more every day.
3. List two photography tips for a beginner?
My first tip would be don't be afraid to try and be different. The more photos you take, the better you will become and more interesting little things will come around. So, don't be afraid of lifting your camera off the shelf just because you think you won't produce any good pictures at the end of the day. Give it a try even though the first 1,000 photos of yours will be anything but some mesmerising disasters. I learnt my way through food photography just by practising whenever I could (and of course trying my best to be patient with what I've come to love). I do believe practise cannot always make perfect but it makes you better than you were the day before. And that is really something.
As a beginner photographer, I really recommend my fellow friends to learn through others' experiences, either on photography websites with intricately well-written tips and lessons (a lot of them are free and worth the time!) or just through observing the way they do through their posts on Instagram or the Internet. Go one step at a time and avoid spending too much on your kits when you're just a beginner. Things can change a lot, especially your photography style and preferences.

So much inspiration going on here, Stephan clearly loves nature and has shown us lovely and outstanding shots, of clouds, hills and nature in motion. He loves landscapes but also does portraits.
What is the most remarkable experience you have had as a photographer?
1. What is the most remarkable experience you have had as a photographer?
If I had to choose, I would take probably social media because, when I go through YouTube to hear some new good music and I see my picture in the thumbnail of a music publisher that makes me happy because I know people like my work and love what i'm doing.
2. Why do you love photography?
I always loved photography since I was a child because, my parents had an old camera at home. And I was always take pictures with it until the camera film roll was full they didn't liked it at all haha but, I was amazed about what great things you can capture with just a camera that you may never see again, when its not just landscape or awesome people.

Tim gives us a deep outstanding meaning of photography.
We ask three questions regarding Tim as a photographer.
1.What does photography means to you?
Photography is a means to capture small glimpses of God’s great world — the beauty of his people and places — then to share that with others. I believe my creativity is at its highest levels when its pointed back to the Creator.
2.Why do you love photography?
I get amazing joy every time I’m able to use my camera to capture a moment in time in a way that bring joy to others. It’s a beautiful exchange.
3. List two photography tips for a beginner?
Beginning photographers would benefit from two simple things. First, learn the basics of photography — how ISO, speed and aperture are in a constant dance, and you get to set the rhythm. And second, get out their and practice — and you’ll learn fastest if force yourself to shoot in manual!
Tim Mossholder.
Keep in touch with Tim's work and get free downloads from Pexles and unsplash.
. 1. Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/@timmossholder
2. Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@timmossholderj
3. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timmossholder
4. Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimMossholder
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What inspires you about photography? What inspires me the most about photography is the way of creativity. Not everyone is able to shoot some pictures of average places or materials and make something beautiful of it, something artfully. Beautiful places, architecture and people do inspire me.
I think photographers deserve more accolades when they shoot something really special in an innovating way. You have to earn it, right? There are so many photographers these days, it's really hard to stand out from the crowd, but it's always possible though. Some photographers have a magical look at the world what you can see trough there photograph's. In my opinion, they definitely deserve more accolades! Especially when they give so much inspiration!
What is the best advice for Beginners? For the starting photographers out there. Make sure you get enough inspiration from other creators. Photograph things you are really interested in. Use something like Adobe Lightroom or photo-shop this can boost your images a lot and create your own style. Most of all, enjoy it!
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We love the communication of love, nature and creativity in his photography. Get free downloads of his photos on pexel.
We love the communication of love, nature and creativity in his photography. Get free downloads of his photos on pexel.
On our series of interview, we feature lots of talented photographers and videographers. To get featured send us Email on (worldviewcapture@gmail.com) with a link where we can view your work.

1.What does photography means to you? For me, photography is not gold, it's like water. I can live without gold, but can't live without photography.
2.Why do you love photography? I love photography because I want to keep many beautiful things that I see or my eyes can't not see. Camera is my third eye, I also want to show people what I see.
3. What list two photography tips for a beginner? I just stared my photography for nearly 1 year, I learnt everything by myself. I made some mistakes and got lots of experiences. There are some tips: - Never stop learning, through Youtube, forums, social networks, offline groups... - If I see a beautiful photo, I'll ask myself how was it shot? what do I need to have a picture like that, maybe I'll ask the photographer how it was shot if possible. - I share my experiences, passions with other people. For me, sharing is not just about giving, its also mean we have more chances to improve!
I'm Vietnamese. Once again, nice to meet you! Cheer, Zun
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