Tim gives us a deep outstanding meaning of photography.
We ask three questions regarding Tim as a photographer.
1.What does photography means to you?
Photography is a means to capture small glimpses of God’s great world — the beauty of his people and places — then to share that with others. I believe my creativity is at its highest levels when its pointed back to the Creator.
2.Why do you love photography?
I get amazing joy every time I’m able to use my camera to capture a moment in time in a way that bring joy to others. It’s a beautiful exchange.
3. List two photography tips for a beginner?
Beginning photographers would benefit from two simple things. First, learn the basics of photography — how ISO, speed and aperture are in a constant dance, and you get to set the rhythm. And second, get out their and practice — and you’ll learn fastest if force yourself to shoot in manual!
Tim Mossholder.
Keep in touch with Tim's work and get free downloads from Pexles and unsplash.
. 1. Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/@timmossholder
2. Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@timmossholderj
3. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timmossholder
4. Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimMossholder
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