These are photos of Kharkov city from the heavy snow storm on the 1 march 2018.
Capured in the early afternoon.
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The ski resort Dragobrat is located in the Zakarpattia Oblast (Ukraine). Dragobrat is currently the highest skiing resort in Ukraine. Simultaneously, this resort gives you an opportunity to ski almost till May, as the climate here is quite special.
It is located at an altitude of 1400m, at the junction of coniferous forests and a zone of alpine meadows at the foot of Mount Stog (1707m) near the mountain range Bliznitsa (1883m). Natural snow cover is guaranteed because of the considerable height and unique climate.
Dragobrat is located 18 km from the village of Yasynia (Rakhiv rayon, Zakarpattya oblast') in Svydovets mountain range
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Visiting a ski resort has always been on my travel list and finally medical school is over so lets explore together. is a travel agency that organizes group travels, giving you the best price, food provision group fun, meeting new people and the luxury to explore new places for affordable prices.
Ones I am done exploring Ukraine I am getting a visa to explore Europe proper.
To be a part of the next group travel you can write Ridetravelua for more information.

Learning to skate
I guess the main purpose of vising a ski resort with a mountain is to ride snow boards, ski and of course view the beauty in Gods creation.
I didn't have the complete snow boarding tools so we rented a snow broad, riding boots and paid for a teacher.
Snow boarding Is one of the hardest sports I have tried of recent. I followed the instructor but my fear of falling was bigger than my strength at the moment.
It was so cold and I could hardly feel my hands, at some point I started feeling pain.
Anyways, I didn't get to learn to skate, but I am hoping to go for ski classes I guess its much easier than snow boarding. I felt I was being punished riding a snow board.
Read more here.
A fun partner/group is a key factor to a fun filled traveled. Ridetravelua travel team was dope. So much fun with lots of activities, tho the guys couldn't let go there snowboards but generally it was a good trip.
For more traveling tips click.
Peak of the Carpathians mountain
I suddenly developed love for mountain climbers. After Seeing different movies and videos on youtube about those who made it for the everest summit. I was totally inspired by there determination and zeal.
Carpathian Mountains are considered to be the Green Pearl of Ukraine. It is one of the most popular resorts and tourist centers of the country. A beautiful mix of natural areas, forests, meadows, shepherds and humans living in harmony with nature is what makes the mountains so Attractive to tourists! An original nature of territory, beauty of its Alpine meadows and woods, rough rivers and mountain lakes, soft climate, curative mineral sources, the historical and architectural monuments can attract everyone to themselves. Thousands of tourists and people who like travels and adventures come here. The Ukrainian Carpathians are relatively gentle peaks that rise as high as 2061 m (Mt. Hoverla). The largest resorts are located in Slavsko, Bukovel, Tysovets, and Dragobrat.
Poltava serves as a transit between Kharkov and Kiev, so while traveling I have always wondered what it will be like walking in the streets of this city.
So, finally I was able to visit the City for a tour, it was an amazing experience.
As you all know Ukraine is not an English speaking country so communication sometimes can gets really bad. In this city everyone wanted to understand and communicate with us, I felt at home even more relaxed asking questions than in Kharkov where every Ukrainian seemed to be sad and angry at themselves.
Odessa has been on my list for a long time, last summer I planned on visiting this beautiful city but my blog work was so much and this made me stay back.
As you all know, I am based in Ukraine which has lots of historical and tourist attractions.
I decided to stop being selfish and share with everyone who might not be able to visit Ukraine.
The feelings that comes along visiting the memorial Complex is so strong, Something just felt so calm in my spirit, lots of thoughts dancing around my soul. This is 3rd time I am visiting the memorial complex of glory but that same fresh feeling keeps coming each time I step into the that arena. It is such an honor for everyone who fought for freedom. This is sure a place to visit in Kharkov Ukraine.
During the Great Patriotic War the residents of Kharkov showed the enviable courage, bravery and heroism. They stoically fought against the oppression of the conquerors, together with other citizens of the former Soviet Union and gave their lives for the peaceful life of their descendants. In honor of these soldiers there were erected three steles with dropped down cast banners. On one stele there is the inscription, which is to remind present and future generations about the great feat of the Soviet people: "In the battles for Kharkov 186 306 Soviet soldiers died a hero’s death".
The memorial complex of Glory is located in Lisopark, which during the war years became a place of mass executions of inhabitants, guerrillas and soldiers. One of its fields was a huge common grave – exactly at this place later was built The Memorial of Glory. Alley framed by two pylons is leading to the Motherland statue, and at her foot an eternal flame burns. Further, there are tables engraved with the names of people who rested there. In this place sounds the heartbeat of the people who fought for their land and their people to victory. On the Victory day here are coming thousands of Kharkovites, to lay flowers in memory of the victims.
The stately Glory Memorial was unveiled in the Forest Park in 1977. It immortalizes the undying exploits of the Soviet people fighting the Nazism (which is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi Germany, as well as other far-right groups).
The stately Glory Memorial was unveiled in the Forest Park in 1977. It immortalizes the undying exploits of the Soviet people fighting the Nazism (which is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi Germany, as well as other far-right groups).
The Complex of Glory immortalized the immortal and unforgettable feat of Soviet citizens in the fight against the Nazi invaders. At this northern city limit the Nazis executed and shot tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters, prisoners of war and patriots, who refused to submit to the enemy.
During the Great Patriotic War the residents of Kharkov showed the enviable courage, bravery and heroism. They stoically fought against the oppression of the conquerors, together with other citizens of the former Soviet Union and gave their lives for the peaceful life of their descendants. In honor of these soldiers there were erected three steles with dropped down cast banners. On one stele there is the inscription, which is to remind present and future generations about the great feat of the Soviet people: "In the battles for Kharkov 186 306 Soviet soldiers died a hero’s death".
Location : Kharkov
Country : Ukraine
Address : Davina 25, "Quiet’ Downtown.
Aleksey Nikolayevich received an excellent education. At the same time he attended M. D. Ivanova-Rayevskaya's Artist School and after that in Petersburg Arts Academy. His education was topped with the dissertation thesis completion, which in 1894 brought him the title of Architecture Academician.

Beketov died on 23 November 1941. He left us about one hundred various buildings, and one of the most magnificent of them is the building of Kharkov research institute of microbiology and immunology named after I. I. Mechnikov.
The first Beketov building, which decorated Kharkov, was the Commercial School. After this work, which brought success to the novice, the young architect constructed a whole series of bank buildings. The projects were ordered by the leaders of the roughly developing Kharkov business and industry -- today's buildings of the Automotive Technical School, The Houses of Techniques, the Puppet-Show and others.
According to the status of Petersburg's Academy of Arts, an architect with 3 years construction experience could choose an item and work on a project to receive the rank of Academician of Architecture. Beketov decided to take on the project of a public library with 1.5 million volumes, with reading halls, an art gallery, storehouse and numismatic hall. Beketov completed this grand work in only 9 months. In 1894 the Scientist Soviet gave him the rank of Academnician. The building of the library can be called a gift to Kharkov of "a perfect creation.
The creative works of Beketov were noticeable not only in Kharkov; his buildings also decorate Belgorod, Dnipropetrovsk, Simpheropol and other cities - but the most monumental buildings he built are in Kharkov. During his life he completed 64 different architecture projects and all of the buildings were individual masterpieces. Here, in his native city, this outstanding architect ended his life.
Buildings Created By Beketov1889 - Medical office (Poltavsky Shlyakh, 12)
Buildings Created By Beketov1889 - Medical office (Poltavsky Shlyakh, 12)
Darvina (Darwin) Street was established in the mid-19th century and was initially called Sadovo-Kulikovska, as named after its landlords, the Kulikovskys, who owned vast lands in this area. When the massive construction started here, as the Technological Institute was being built, they sold most of their land to the city. In the early 20th century a range of mansions was built in the street, including the Governor’s Mansion and Governor’s Office.
The buildings in Darvina Street have been well preserved and are of special interest for those fond of old architecture.
Built in the style of Neorenaissance, 9, Darvina Steet is a former house of merchant Ryzhov (designed by V. Velichko, 1912). This is one of the few mansions of the city which preserved its initial outlook. During the early years of Soviet power, it housed the Extraordinary Commission for Fighting Counterrevolution, Speculations and Sabotage. Later it became home to the All-Ukrainian Society of Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Since 1934 it has become the House of Architects.
Situated next to it is a former mansion of English Consul Charles Blacky, now housing the House of Artists (designed by V. Gaush, 1911).
Built in the style of Neorenaissance, 9, Darvina Steet is a former house of merchant Ryzhov (designed by V. Velichko, 1912). This is one of the few mansions of the city which preserved its initial outlook. During the early years of Soviet power, it housed the Extraordinary Commission for Fighting Counterrevolution, Speculations and Sabotage. Later it became home to the All-Ukrainian Society of Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Since 1934 it has become the House of Architects.

Situated next to it is a former mansion of English Consul Charles Blacky, now housing the House of Artists (designed by V. Gaush, 1911).
13, Darvina Steet is a mansion previously owned by D. Alchevsky, biology professor of Kharkiv University. The designer (A. Beketov) described the style of the building as Mauritanian. It used to house the Society of Working Women Mutual Help, the first mixed gymnasium for boys and girls and now it is home to Ukrainian-British College.

Further on, the architectural complex of the street resembles that of a small European town. 21 and 23, Darvina St. were designed by A. Beketov in 1901–1903 in the style of Neorenaissance. A very interesting building designed in the style of Modern by V. Rzhepyshevsky for a stage director N. Sinelnikov was built in 1914. Close to it (31, Darvina St.) is the house designed by V. Velichko for his family. At the end of the street there is a mansion designed by A. Beketov in 1912 (37, Darvina St.). Besides A. Beketov, painters M. Pestrikov and N. Samokish used to live there at different times.

Further on, the architectural complex of the street resembles that of a small European town. 21 and 23, Darvina St. were designed by A. Beketov in 1901–1903 in the style of Neorenaissance. A very interesting building designed in the style of Modern by V. Rzhepyshevsky for a stage director N. Sinelnikov was built in 1914. Close to it (31, Darvina St.) is the house designed by V. Velichko for his family. At the end of the street there is a mansion designed by A. Beketov in 1912 (37, Darvina St.). Besides A. Beketov, painters M. Pestrikov and N. Samokish used to live there at different times.
Buildings by Beketov.
1893 - Lenin House of Culture (Sovnarkomovskaya, 13)
1893 - Law Academy (Pushkinskaya, 77)
1896 - Secondary School N1 (Darwin, 1)
1896 - Arts Museum (Sovnarkomovskaya, 9)
1896 - "Znaniye" Society (Nezavisimosty pl.)
1896-1898 Autotransport Technical College (Nezavisimosty pl., 28)
1896-1899 - Technical House (Nezavisimosty pl., 26)
1899 - Medical Society (Olminskogo ul, 11)
1900 - Scientists' House (Sovnarkomovskaya, 10)
1891-1901 - Korolenko Library (Korolenko, 4)
1902 - Court Offices House (Rudneva pl.)

1906-1907 - Puppet Theatre (Nezavisimosty pl., 24)
1912 - Arts Museum (Sovnarkomovskaya, 11)
1913 - I. I. Mechnikov Institute (Pushkinskaya, 14)
1914-1915 - KhSKhM SKB (Pushkinskaya, 84)
1914-1916 - KhIMESKh (Artyoma, 44).
1893 - Lenin House of Culture (Sovnarkomovskaya, 13)
1893 - Law Academy (Pushkinskaya, 77)
1896 - Secondary School N1 (Darwin, 1)
1896 - Arts Museum (Sovnarkomovskaya, 9)
1896 - "Znaniye" Society (Nezavisimosty pl.)
1896-1898 Autotransport Technical College (Nezavisimosty pl., 28)
1896-1899 - Technical House (Nezavisimosty pl., 26)
1899 - Medical Society (Olminskogo ul, 11)
1900 - Scientists' House (Sovnarkomovskaya, 10)
1891-1901 - Korolenko Library (Korolenko, 4)
1902 - Court Offices House (Rudneva pl.)

1906-1907 - Puppet Theatre (Nezavisimosty pl., 24)
1912 - Arts Museum (Sovnarkomovskaya, 11)
1913 - I. I. Mechnikov Institute (Pushkinskaya, 14)
1914-1915 - KhSKhM SKB (Pushkinskaya, 84)
1914-1916 - KhIMESKh (Artyoma, 44).

Hello, Beautiful people, How are you? How is the Sunday going?.
Guess what? I have a lot to show and tell you about Ukraine. This is something so interesting for me and can help any one who wants to visit Ukraine or Know more About Ukraine.
I visited the Most popular churches in cathedral in Ukraine Kharkov. What Interest me the most is not just how beautiful and well maintained these churches/cathedral are but how long they have been.
The oldest church is the Annunciation cathedral which was created with such a candy design that calls for easy attraction. Mironositskaya Church - Orthodox Church is also beautiful built with a modern standard, The white color makes it so noticeable and loud. Keep reading to know More.
Name :Annunciation Cathedral
Ukraine Translation: Благовещенский Кафедральный собор
Location : Kharkiv Ukraine.
Address: Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, 61000
Phone: 057 712 4737
This cathedral is Situated at town's historical center, the grandiose Annunciation Cathedral - is one of the most beautiful Kharkiv churches - rivets attention by its original forms and uncommon striped patterns. Built in Russian and Byzantine style, it is recognized as unique architectural monument of the early 20th century and inevitably remains in the center of tourists' attention.
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