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Mango fruits have more health benefits than you know.

Mangos are edible stone fruits produced by the tropical tree Mangifera indica, which is said to have originated in the region between northern Myanmar, Bangladesh, and north-eastern India. Since ancient times, M. indica has been farmed in South and Southeast Asia.

Class: Stone Fruit
Scientific name: Mangifera indica
Calories: 140 calories

Mango Fruit Health Benefits

Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and assist in strengthening the immune system. One cup of mango has about 70% of the daily value of vitamin C.

The flavonoids quercetin, catechin, anthocyanins, kaempferol, and rhamnetin found in mango reduce the chance of developing chronic diseases. These have antioxidant capabilities that protect the body's cells from damage by free radicals.

Mango is abundant in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, magnesium, polyphenols, and fibre.

Assist the immune system in its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions.

Mango is an excellent source of numerous vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, carotenoids, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Studies have shown that its antioxidant properties reduce inflammation caused by inflammatory bowel disease, lowering the risk of colon and rectal cancer (Lauricella, 2017).

Possible side effects

Mango is a calorie-dense fruit (60 calories per 100 grammes of fresh fruit) that might contribute to a higher caloric intake. This increased caloric intake may hamper weight loss and contribute to unwanted weight gain in those who consume large quantities.

Urushiol is an oily chemical found in mangoes. And some individuals are allergic to large levels of protein.

People with irritable bowel movements should be careful not to eat too much mango because it might make their stomachs hurt.

People with diabetes shouldn't eat too much of it because the riper the fruit, the more fructose (natural fruit sugar) it has.


It is highly suggested that one consumes no more than two servings of diced mango per day, which is equivalent to one and a half to two cups. Mango includes an abundance of natural sugars and is poor in fibre.

It should be used in moderation. Consume one tiny fruit every day, or half a cup of chopped fruit, as an example. And those who wish to lose weight should reduce the quantity.

Due to its increased energy density in comparison to other fruits, mango can be consumed on a regular basis but in moderation. It is suggested that you consume up to two portions per day (1 portion = 80 grammes) as a snack between meals.

Health benefits of Mango fruit
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